gauge of someone's popularity
provide a starting point to gauge popularity
: 人気{にんき}を測るスタート地点{ちてん}になる
at the pinnacle of someone's popularity
: (人)の人気絶頂期{にんき ぜっちょう き}に
cause someone's popularity to plummet
: (人)の人気{にんき}を急降下{きゅうこうか}させる
desperately rely on someone's popularity
: (人)の人気{にんき}にすがりつく
destroy someone's popularity
: (人)の人気{にんき}をなくす
in a reflection of someone's popularity
: (人)の人気{にんき}を反映{はんえい}して
on the coattails of someone's popularity
: (人)の人気{にんき}を当て込んで
on the crest of someone's wave of popularity
: (人)の人気{にんき}に乗って
plunge in someone's popularity ratings
: (人)の支持率{しじりつ}の急落{きゅうらく}
ride on the back of someone's popularity
: (人)の人気{にんき}に乗じる
rob someone of his popularity
: (主語が)(人)から[の]評判{ひょうばん}をなくす[落とす]
secret to someone's popularity in japan
: (人)の日本{にほん}での人気{にんき}の秘密{ひみつ}
secrets of someone's astonishing popularity
: (人)の驚くべき人気{にんき}の秘密{ひみつ}
wait for someone's popularity to drop
: (人)の人気{にんき}が低下{ていか}するのを待つ
desperately rely upon someone's popularity
"gauge of labor demand"の英語
"gauge of performance"の英語
"gauge of risk"の英語
"gauge of sheet"の英語
"gauge of someone's ability"の英語
"gauge of tires"の英語
"gauge of track"の英語
"gauge one's fertility"の英語
"gauge panel"の英語
"gauge of sheet"の英語
"gauge of someone's ability"の英語
"gauge of tires"の英語
"gauge of track"の英語
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